AIKI-JUJUTSU The martial legacy of Mochizuki Minoru sensei in the Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu Seifulkai
size 17 x 24 cm. - 212 pages with over 100 b&w illustrations

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Written by Roberto Granati and illustrated by Francesco Dessì.

"All budōka dream of being able to get close to the roots of their art, but there are few literary works that really allow us to immerse ourselves in the origins, opening up to our eyes a world that may appear almost mythical to most.

But this world was real and still is, thanks to the tradition that has not ceased to be transmitted from Master to disciple.

In this book, Master Roberto GRANATI gives life to epic figures, characters who have made the history of the art of war in Japan.

Budōka expert, historian and modern “aedo”, makes us discover an invigorating past, leading us in the footsteps of legendary characters, who made bugei, taking us out of the greyness of our modern life, now mechanised and virtual.

Reading this work, we cannot but see what an enormous martial heritage we have been privileged to receive. This great wisdom that has come down to us should make us aware of the honour and the immense possibility of being able to perpetuate these gestures. Techniques of yesteryear, which have lost none of their effectiveness and efficiency, so fascinating and perfect that they appear almost unreal without in-depth analysis and serious study."


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